Applications For iOS, tvOS and Apple Watch Carefully Crafted by Orologics

September 2019

My Bus Times for iOS & Apple Watch

Help Pages Are Here

Covering San Francisco, NYC, Boston, Seattle, DC, Vancouver BC, Southern California, Portland, Georgia, Oahu, Twin Cities, Quebec, Florida, N. Carolina, Virginia and more.

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Bus Board for Apple TV

Transit arrivals on a big screen

Covering San Francisco, NYC, Boston, Seattle, DC, Vancouver BC, Southern California, Portland, Georgia, Quebec, Florida, N. Carolina, Virginia and more.

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RokuMotion for iPhone & Apple Watch

A Roku Remote Control on your watch

From your iPhone, RokuMotion automatically finds your Roku player powered on and connected to your WiFi network. The iPhone then shares its Roku list with the Apple Watch, if available.

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Help Pages

Please check the August posts for help with My Bus Times in various North American regions.