My Bus Times for iPhone and Apple Watch
Seattle and Puget Sound bus, rail, and ferry help
Please support this app by writing an iTunes review and buying a stop upgrade.

The first time you launch My Bus Times, change your default region in the Edit Stop screen to Seattle by tapping on the San Francisco Bay Area button in the middle of your screen. Choose Seattle / Puget Sound. If you’re standing in front of a bus stop sign where the stop number is posted, enter the number you see on that sign. Tap outside the box to verify the stop.

Follow the steps below to switch agencies or look up your departure stop, provided you know the route and intersection you’re departing from. If you transfer to other routes, you will want to save those boarding locations as well. This app will not be asking for your destination.

We recommend you use the Fast Lookup feature for the Puget Sound area, since it automatically enters the stop number with the correct agency for you. You can also go to the OneBusAway website to look up the stop. You will have to memorize the stop number and type it in by hand if you use that choice.

1. Tap the Switch agency or lookup stop button for the fast lookup. Choose an agency.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 7.34.26 AM iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 7.37.18 AM

2. The Save button will be enabled if you just wanted to select that agency and type in the stop number.
3. Otherwise, select a route, direction and stop you will board from.

iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 7.42.40 AM iOS Simulator Screen Shot Jun 4, 2015, 7.40.17 AM

4. If you’ve made a mistake along the way, you can start over. If not, save the chosen stop. The stop number and name will be entered for you. Now it’s time to fill in a title and subtitle to identify this stop. Tapping the stop name will automatically copy it to the title. You can fill in a subtitle or leave it blank and fill it in another time.

Once that's done, whenever you open the app on your iPhone or Apple Watch, choose your stop and real-time arrivals of all routes at that stop appear instantly!

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